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The Leviathan is a 13 song concept album released alongside a 60 page art/lyric book with QR codes, hidden messages, and secret content. It looks great on a coffee table.

What people on the internet have said about The Leviathan

(All real comments taken from Reddit threads about the album)

"I appreciate your insight and artistic expression of that insight - your poetry speaks to me on a deep level"

"It's ok I guess."

"It's fucking fantastic."

"Your message rings with truth, thanks for bringing your perspective and creating with Love!"

"Really dig your lyrics, man. The Gathering is amazing."

"Super original both beats and lyrics and you talk about SO MUCH."

"It reminds me of the best parts of the early careers of people like Aesop Rock, Done One, etc. with it's own unique twist."

"Wow, I deeply connected with this."

"Nothing special about this."

"I cried a bit"

I love your music!

"Fuck yeah bro this shits nice."

"Ayye the flow reminds me of old Aesop rock shit"

"Just amazing. I feel fortunate to have come across this."

"Dude that whole album was dope, got a real Deltron 3030 meets atmosphere vibe."

"Wow. This may not mean much, but your music brought me to a strange place because you're so gifted and that was the shit, and also my ex (also a rapper) would have absolutely loved it. He passed away a couple years ago. Listening to you teleported me to a space where I felt like I was sharing something with him; he would have loved you. Thanks for sharing, keep creating!"

"The first song gave me goosebumps."

"I appreciate your insight and artistic expression of that insight - your poetry speaks to me on a deep level" • "It's ok I guess." • "It's fucking fantastic." • "Your message rings with truth, thanks for bringing your perspective and creating with Love!" • "Really dig your lyrics, man. The Gathering is amazing." • "Super original both beats and lyrics and you talk about SO MUCH." • "It reminds me of the best parts of the early careers of people like Aesop Rock, Done One, etc. with it's own unique twist." • "Wow, I deeply connected with this." • "Nothing special about this." • "I cried a bit" • I love your music! • "Fuck yeah bro this shits nice." • "Ayye the flow reminds me of old Aesop rock shit" • "Just amazing. I feel fortunate to have come across this." • "Dude that whole album was dope, got a real Deltron 3030 meets atmosphere vibe." • "Wow. This may not mean much, but your music brought me to a strange place because you're so gifted and that was the shit, and also my ex (also a rapper) would have absolutely loved it. He passed away a couple years ago. Listening to you teleported me to a space where I felt like I was sharing something with him; he would have loved you. Thanks for sharing, keep creating!" • "The first song gave me goosebumps."